
Advanced Technology Services.

About ATS

With locations in Berlin and near Freiburg as well as over 25 years of experience in large-scale international projects, ATS offers professional concrete analyzes and expert reports nationwide in a wide range of structural analyzes of moisture-related issues Damage, water penetration, salt efflorescence, fungus formation, asbestos and radon. Our strength is economical, tailor-made and for laypersons understandable reports with well-founded on-site analyzes and laboratory tests to identify maintenance or repair measures as well as accompanying your property through a successful renovation process.
managed objects
renovated underground car parks
renovated balconies

Professional Services

We turn you into experts. In order to assess why buildings are damaged, one must have sufficient knowledge about the different types of visible and invisible causes. Our aim is to explain the basic connections to your employees in sales, technology or on the construction site in an understandable way and also provide an overview of relevant standards from DAfStB, SIVV, DBV, DIN and WTA. We do this in customer discussions, during the analysis or even as an individual seminar with you. Our goal is to enable our customers to assess the quality of their buildings themselves in order to make the right decisions.
In order to assess the condition of your components, we take material samples at various depth levels on site and use various chemical laboratory processes to determine the relevant values ​​such as chloride input or degree of carbonation. We provide you with the results of the investigations in a manageable report that is understandable for laypeople in which we also evaluate the condition of your building in relation to its age and, if necessary, provide you with targeted measures for necessary maintenance or Advice on repairs. The scope of these measures is discussed together in advance and economically adapted to the ratio of your property so that the effort involved in an analysis is always in relation to any renovation.
To ensure that the correct renovation methods are carried out with high-quality materials, in accordance with the valid building standards and with optimal scope of renovation, we will be happy to create appropriate service specifications, including measurements of your property upon request. With this document you are also able to obtain comparable offers from several bidders.
Upon request, we evaluate various bidder offers for their technical and economic content, identify supposed hidden costs, comments or individual contractual conditions and the fundamental Qualifications of the specialist companies offering the services. Optionally, we also check any supplementary offers or invoices.
When renovating load-bearing reinforced concrete components, the DAfStB requires external supervision of the renovation work by an independent, SIVV-certified expert. We would be happy to determine an economically sensible scope of third-party monitoring services during the technically demanding work steps. A key part of this service is the assessment of any damage to the exposed structural steel with appropriate recommendations on the extent of replacement of damaged material during ongoing renovation work.


+49 151 5468 5538
Schlüterstraße 17
10625 Berlin

Friedhofstraße 10
79183 Waldkirch
(near Freiburg)

We are happy to be there for you.

We would be happy to answer your questions in a personal dialogue or make you an offer tailored to your needs. We look forward to hearing from you.